The Views of the Parents and their Children who Used the Bursa Ali Paşa Toy Library
The aim of this study is to examine the views of the children and parents who use the Bursa Ali Paşa Toy Library, which was a part of a joint project between Uludağ University and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. "Mobile Educational Toy Library Project" was initially carried out in Turkey by two of the researchers named above. The research was carried out utilizing both qualitative research and general scanning methodologies. 53 parents and children of three parents, who come to the library, participated in the study. 50 parents, who use Bursa Ali Paşa Toy Library, completed the questionnaire, three parents were interviewed and their children were individually interviewed. As a result of the research, it was seen that the parents considered toy library an extremely useful facility worthy of recommendation. It was established that most of the parents, who participated in the research, played games with their children and played games with their children on a daily basis.
Humanities and Social SciencesOrigin | Files produced by the author(s) |