How to stay in touch with adolescents and young adults after a suicide attempt? Implementation of a 4-phones-calls procedure over 1 year after discharge from hospital, in a Parisian suburb
Objectives: Post-discharge treatment is a major part of youth suicide prevention. However, many adolescents and young adults suicidal patients released from emergency department (ED) fail to follow through with subsequent outpatient psychiatric appointments. The aims were to (1) implement a one-year follow-up phone-call program for adolescent and young adults suicide attempters admitted at the ED (2) assess its feasibility (3) describe outcomes measures (repeated suicide attempt and observance of outpatient care) and (4) access risk factors to be out of sight at one year follow up and (5) elicit subjective feedback after one year, using narrative data.
Method: A cohort of adolescents and young adults aged 15-21 years admitted to Avicenne University Hospital ED for suicide attempt (SA) was created and re-contacted using phone calls at one week, one month, six months and twelve months after discharge. Sociodemographic information was collected at baseline. At one year, qualitative data was collected from patients or their parents.
Results: One hundred and seventy-three adolescents and young adults were included. At 1 year, 93 young patients had been successfully contacted, among whom 23 had reattempted suicide, at least once. Adolescents and young adults that were unreachable at one year showed a higher rate of school dropout and had more migration history at baseline. Feedback showed that the intervention was experienced as supportive.
Conclusion: Phone-calls after discharge from hospital might help enhance compliance to aftercare treatment, and were well-accepted by both adolescents and parents. Nevertheless, half of our sample was lost of sight at one year. Further studies are needed to find the most effective prevention strategy with young suicide attempters, especially for migrants and school droppers.